
Dimension 3: Culturally Sustaining

Evaluating OER against the Sustainment criterion

Culturally Sustaining

OER challenge historic methods of legitimising academia and recognise and celebrate each learner’s culture, inviting learners to engage with a topic through the richness of their own lens.

The Equity Rubric for OER Evaluation gives a resource a high rating for Sustainment if it “leverages opportunities for learners to celebrate their own cultures and cultural heritages, as well as the culture and cultural heritage of peers.”

The Rubric suggests looking for “products featuring learners’ cultures; narratives of celebration and joy.”

Key Examples and Suggestions

Gems and Nuggets: Multicultural Education for Young Children

Accendere et al.

This collaborative student-created resource celebrates cultural diversity, valuing and respecting First Nations knowledges and intercultural education.

Access: Gems and Nuggets

‘Categorical Perception’ in Introduction to Sensation and Perception

Students of PSY 3031 (ed. Dr Cheryl Olman)

In this section, a bilingual student leverages their own experience with languages to explain a curious phenomenon where sounds are perceived differently by native and non-native speakers of a language.

Access: Categorical Perception

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

University of South Australia researchers Professor Rigney, Professor Hattam & Dr Morrison

This project site includes case studies, research and resources for ensuring educational materials are culturally responsive.

Access: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Learning Resource: ‘Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in the Literacy Classroom’

Emily Machado

This International Literacy Association blog post highlights several methods for introducing culturally sustaining practices into educational materials, such as “blending languages, dialects, formal and informal registers” and seeking alternative methods of information delivery, beyond the “canonical texts”, such as podcasts, memes and artefacts.

Access: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in the Literacy Classroom

Learning Resource: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Pamela Williams-Páez

This OER from College of the Canyons presents both the theoretical underpinning and practical application of culturally responsive pedagogical practices. The “Think about it” and “Pin it” sections throughout aid learners in undertaking reflection activities and highlight key resources for deeper learning.

While the research background is US-centric, the theories and tools are transferrable – and the CC BY 4.0 licence makes the book adaptable to local contexts.

Access: Culturally Responsive Teaching

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