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Evaluation Survey

EmpoweredOER is growing! The site is gaining more subscribers and views as the weeks roll on and, now that more eyes are on the site, it’s time to evaluate!

If you use EmpoweredOER, or intend to do so, completing a brief (5-10 min, mostly multiple choice) survey will help it continue to grow and improve.

Responses received by 23 June 2023 will inform the current evaluation cycle of EmpoweredOER and the development of an ASCILITE 2023 conference paper. Responses received after this date will be analysed for future site improvements.

All responses are anonymous and greatly appreciated!

Please feel free to share the survey with any other practitioners who may use the site.

Access the survey

Use the following short link or QR code to access the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/5r207XyK1E

QR code for EmpoweredOER Evaluation Survey

Other ways to provide feedback

For more ways to provide feedback and contribute ideas to the site, check out the recent post about the new EmpoweredOER Peer Review Guide.

Subscribe for updates

Subscribers will receive alerts when new content is added to the site. So, make sure you subscribe to stay in the loop!

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.